About Me

My name is Stefanie Hollmichel and I live in beautiful Minneapolis, a city built on Dakota land, in the state of Minnesota, U.S.A.

I am an avid reader, cyclist, and gardener. I also follow a whole food plant based diet and a vegan lifestyle. My alter ego is librarian at a university law library.

logoI’ve been blogging about books since October 2003. I was listed among the Guardian Unlimited Books’ Top 10 Literary Blogs (article no longer available online) and mentioned by Cynthia Crossen in the Wall Street Journal. One of my blog posts has also made it into a writing textbook where I am now happily torturing college freshman (How Writing Works. Oxford University Press, 2014). In addition I review for Library Journal.

While I remain a voracious reader, my interest in writing about everything I read has changed and so has the blog name though the URL is still the same. Weeds came about in early 2018 as a catch-all way to write about whatever is on my mind from books to gardening, cycling to chicken keeping, zero waste to the climate emergency, and everything in between.

Monarch caterpillar

My entire backyard is a garden where I grow mainly fruits, vegetables, and herbs. I try to incorporate permaculture ideas in my yard farm and grow 100% organic. My flock of four chickens, collectively known as The Dashwoods, are part of the garden ecosystem. In my front yard I grow apples and native perennials. I am by no means an expert gardener. Most of what I know I have learned through books and trial and error.

I have been cycling with gusto since 2015. I ride road and gravel. I tried crit racing for the first time in 2018 and was happy to survive. My favorite riding is long distance, 100+ miles in a single ride. I do training workouts and racing on Zwift, a virtual cycling platform. This especially helps keep me sane and in shape during long Minnesota winters.

I welcome your thoughts and comments. I encourage respectful disagreement and discussion but reserve the right to edit or delete inappropriate, rude and flame war inciting comments without notice.

Thanks for visiting!

Still smiling after 200 miles

(Last updated: August 25, 2020)

129 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Minneapolis seems like an interesting place–indie music and I’m a big fan of a guy called Steve Tibbetts who specializes in electronic soundscapes; I hear he’s from out your way. One book I recommend to EVERYONE is HOLY THE FIRM by Annie Dillard. You’re likely familiar with her but, to me, HOLY is her masterpiece. Two of my favorite works of fiction are GOSPEL by Wilton Barnhardt and EARTHLY POWERS by Anthony Burgess. Dunno if you wanna add those to your book “wishlist”
    but there you are…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, Stephanie. An interesting blog!

    The book we’re ost excited about at Curbstone for the moment is Aracelis Girmay’s TEETH. Have you had a chance to look at it?



    • I’m new to this but I have a book called the human harvest from a while back. And also am a great great niece of Ralph Waldo Emerson ,he was my grandmothers on my fathers side either fathers brother or grandfathers brother I can’t remember, how do quit claim deeds work and if there are loopholes.


  3. Stephanie, this header is beautiful! I half-expected the previous orange scheme and was pleasantly surprised by this. It shows that, as usual, I have a lot of catching up to do.


  4. Thanks Polaris! You aren’t as behind as you think. It’s only been a week, maybe two since the big change.


  5. Dear Jessa,

    I am a British author.

    I’ve started shop-gifting my debut novel.


    I have more copies of the book if any of your readers would like to shop-gift with me.

    Kind Regards,



  6. Sorry, that was meant to start Dear Stefanie…


  7. You have a great list of book related sites on your blogroll! What a great idea! You might want to add another book related blog, http://talkingbookslibrarian.blogspot.com/ to your list.

    Keep up the good work!


  8. I’ve enjoyed your Blog and added it to my Blogsurf. My interest is books into films…slightly related but very popular genre these days…adapted screenplays. Just wondering what your thoughts are.


  9. artidkc, thank you! I have a love/hate relationship with books into films. Sometimes they are marvelous like the Lord of the Rings movies, and other times they are absolutely dreadful.


  10. Just wondering whether you’ve read The Jane Austen Book Club…I’ve just seen the movie and has written some thoughts on it. Like to have your comments.


  11. Hi, Stefanie– I am a writer with a new novel about a young woman pulled into labor and radical politics in Seattle 1916-20. You can find out lots more on my website, http://www.janshapin.com. There is also an interview and book review in Estella’s Revenge October issue. I am looking for other bloggers who like this kind of fiction to take a look at it and maybe write something. If you are interested, let me know and I would be happy to supply you with a copy. Sincerely, Jan Shapin


  12. Hi,
    I really admire your energy and enthusiasm for great books. I am a poet and writer, wanted to let you know about an exciting new feature on my website, http://www.literarycomments.com in which I will be writing a regular column on art and culture, entitled “Occasional Thoughts,” on topics ranging from literary criticism to exhibition reviews. My website also features many of my poems, including selections from my most recent chapbook, Are these My Lions? which I wrote while living in Jerusalem in the summer of 2006.
    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you will check back frequently for new articles on various artistic and cultural topics.

    Daniel E. Levenson


  13. Hi Stefanie,
    I’m absolutely psyched about your blog! I’m a fellow book enthusiast and have my own website dedicated to book clubs and book reviews. I’d love to exchange links as I think we’d be valuable resources for our readers.

    What do you think?


    Hope to hear from you!


  14. Thanks Queenie! I’d be glad to exchange links!


  15. Hello, I write and publish books for a hobby. I find it therapeutic. I also would characterize myself as an omnivorous reader but enjoy reading mostly fiction (especially Southern regional fiction). Non-fiction likes are mainly history and biographies. It would be hard to pick a favorite book or even a top ten but “To Kill A Mockingbird” is right up there for me. It is amazing to think it was her first and only book. I really like your website (both content and design) and root for anyone that promotes and enjoys reading. Thanks


  16. Hello Stefanie,

    We love your blog. We are compiling a list of bookstores throughout Europe and we were wondering if it would be possible if you could add our guide to your wonderful list.


    Wishing you a lovely weekend,
    Sonja and Ivan


  17. What a great site you seem to have here… I too love the reading and writing life.


  18. Dear Stephanie,

    I’ve been an avid reader of your blog for a little over a year now. I’ve especially enjoyed following you on your big reading projects like Emerson. I really love the food for thought those excerpts and posts provide! Reading yours and other book blogs has inspired me to start trying to chronicle my own reading adventures, so thankyou! Drop by my blog sometime for a peruse its:


    You mentioned that you enjoy recieving book lists, so I thought I’d share with you my current top 10 favourite Australian novels.

    1. Helen Garner– The Children’s Bach
    2. Murray Bail — Eucalyptus
    3. Kate Grenville — The Secret River
    4. David Malouf — Fly Away Peter
    5. Janet Frame (OK, technically a Kiwi) To the Is-land
    6. Dorothy Porter — The Monkey’s Mask
    7. Robert Drewe — The Bodysurfers
    8. Henry Handel Richardson — The Getting of Wisdom
    9. Peter Carey — Jack Maggs
    10. Christopher Koch — Out of Ireland

    Regards, Cass


  19. bibliophylia said:

    Hi Stefanie,
    I just found your blog, and it looks like we have a lot in common: English background, working in technology and in grad school for library science. I’m looking forward to catching up in your blog.


  20. Dear Stefanie,
    This is a fabulous book-blog, one of my favorites. I’ve added a link to you from my own new blog, “belles-lettres” – I hope you will check it out.

    Happy Reading.


  21. Wow! This is quite an extensive literary blog. You said that Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of your current “reading projects.” Is there anything in particular of his you are reading? I’ve always enjoyed Emerson, and I have a papeback portable of his on my bookshelf, but I’ve never really dived into it full force. Any suggestions on where to begin?


  22. David, I’m reading everything Emerson wrote, or nearly. Your paperback portable is a good place to start. My project began with The Essential Emerson. You’ll definitely want to read his First and Second Series of essays which will probably be in your portable. There he lays the foundation of his philosophy. If you still like him after that, my favorite book of his so far is The Conduct of Life.


  23. Stefanie, thanks for the suggestions. Now I just need to get to it 🙂

    For the pure scope of your literary endeavors (of which I can only claim a fraction), I will be adding you to my blogroll.

    Keep up the great work! It’s wonderful to find other people out there reading this type of stuff!


  24. Herodotus’ Histories is great. Enjoy it. I’m on my own project of reading all of Livy, and after that all of Gibbon.

    I’m always happy to find another avid reader and a traveler ready walk the wonderful landscapes of In Search of Lost Time.


  25. Arliss Ryan said:

    Hello, Stephanie,
    I am the author of HOW (NOT) TO HAVE A PERFECT WEDDING, published by Sourcebooks in Nov. 2007. The novel–my second–is based on my (mis)adventures working as a wedding hostess in one of the famous Newport, RI, mansions. It was a great job because I got to be a fly on the wall observing people and their interactions, so I wrote the novel from multiple viewpoints (bridal party, drunken guests, wedding staff) to capture that experience. If you would like to receive a copy, please let me know.
    I’m new to the world of literary blogs and am amazed and gratified by how many people out there still love to read. Arliss Ryan


  26. Hi

    I think your blog is a real one-off – not only absorbing but great fun.

    My debut novel Castle in the Clouds comes out at the end of May and is about depression and rehab. Two years ago I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital and wrote the book as a therapeutic exercise. It centres on five characters (one of whom is a supermodel) with varying psychiatric disorders incuding addiction who meet in rehab, and their interweaving journey to wellness.
    If you would like to receive a copy, please let me know and I will mail it.
    All the best

    Monica (Janssens)


  27. I just noticed the tags at the top of your blog… duh. I have really come to enjoy your blog! Thanks for writing it. Once I decided to start recording the books I read, my blog has quickly been turning into a ‘book blog’. I love it. I also adore Emerson and have been really enjoying your posts on him!

    thanks so much. Daphne


  28. I really enjoy find your blog …thank for book info…
    Could you please inform me how to get many reader to this blog?


  29. Hello avid readers!

    My name is Ashley Rhodes-Courter and I am a 22-year-old recent college graduate.

    I spent almost ten years in foster care before being adopted at the age of 12. My years in care resembled some of the horror stories that you read about in the news.

    However, I tried to turn my pain into power and Simon and Schuster has recently published my memoir, “Three Little Words.”

    I would be honored if you would join me in my quest to overhaul the foster care system and bring loving, permanent homes to foster and orphaned children all across America. Thanks SO much for your time!!

    =-) Ashley Rhodes-Courter



  30. Hi Stefanie, I’ve just noticed your move. Even better than ever!


  31. A great literary blog. A labor of love. I’m blown away.


  32. I’m not a book blogger or an author trying to promote his or her book or book blog. I just enjoy your blog and wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what truly must be a labor of love — thank you for your thoughtful reflections.


  33. Bryan, thank you for your comment and kind words!


  34. anonymous said:

    Seeing as everyone else is giving you a reading list, I figured I’d add my two bits.

    My Must reads: (and almost anything else by these authors)
    1. The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
    2. Yobgorgle: Mystery Monster of Lake Ontario by Daniel Pinkwater

    Currently, I’m plunging into the classics, starting with Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
    Congratulations on the blog,
    Anonymous Author (okay, unpublished writer)


  35. I Admire your blog, Stephanie. It is a great literature blog.
    I have added your site into my blogroll. I think your blog is a good complement to our book blog – “Learning Corner” which focus on Professional and Academic books ( Business Strategy, Management, Leadeship, etc ). Feel free to visit our blog & I would be happy if you can include our blog into your blogroll too.

    Keep up with your great work.



  36. I am writing a book and have created a website to showcase bits of it. I am 13, and would love any input you could give.

    Thank you!


  37. Great blog and fascinating link list!


  38. regularrumination said:

    I also like to read.
    And I also somehow became an employee at a help desk where we did technology therapy of sorts.
    I also bike to work and school.
    We should be friends.

    – L


  39. I love your blog! I too share a love of reading and writing. I am an aspiring author.
    Check out my blog sometime at http://www.backroombooks.blogspot.com
    Looking forward to future posts!


  40. Dear Stefanie,

    I Like your blog. Awesome work. I come know many things through your posts as like to read.

    Looking forward for your further Posts.


    Vikas Sharma

    Computer Engineer.


  41. I’m so glad I happened upon your website – I entered “Lovelace Bible” in Google and this came up also. Would you please let me know the name of the book you were reporting on about “Lovelace”? And please tell me who the author is. And can it be found in a library or bookstore? Any help will be appreciated. After reading some our your readers remarks, I think this sounds like a friendly site. I am not too familiar with the computer, but I try. It takes me on some good adventures. Best to you, and thank you – Ms. Ace Tookit


  42. Hello from Australia, Stephanie!
    I have only just discovered your blog and can see that I am going to have to give up work entirely so that I can explore it thoroughly LOL!
    And then I need to work my way through what must be the world’s most comprehensive litblog roll…
    I think that you have only one Aussie bookblog (the Happy Antipodean) so I would like to suggest the addition of these three:
    http://www.middlemiss.org/matilda/ Perry’s is a wonderful miscellany of collated reviews, classic Aussie bookcovers and other bits of gossip and news, not to mention an exhaustive list of other Australian litblogs…but he hasn’t included http://whisperinggums.wordpress.com/. Sue has a wide range of literary interests and is a regular contributor to the AustLit pages of Wikipedia
    and *blush* mine at http://anzlitlovers.wordpress.com . I read, blog and review contemporary and classic Australian fiction in a niche somewhere in the middle between gee-i-loved-this-book and academic analysis.
    I read international fiction too e.g. http://anzlitlovers.wordpress.com/2009/06/28/hmm-have-i-read-enough-american-literature/ but so does everyone else!
    Lisa Hill, ANZ LitLovers


    • Hi Lisa! Thanks for your lovely comment. It got caught in my spam filter but I am glad I have finally rescued it. Thanks for the blog suggestions, I will be checking them out, especially your site!


  43. Sorry for leaving this message in your comment section, but…

    So Many Books Is A Huge Hit On BookBlips.com

    Hi There,

    Your So Many Books blog is a huge hit on BookBlips.com! If you haven’t checked out our site already, you’ll see that we’re dedicated to highlighting the most popular book stories people are talking about on the Web every day.

    We’re currently contacting our most popular featured bloggers and asking them to claim their blogs. By doing so, you’re making it easier for thousands of new fans to quickly find your blog and read all your great posts.

    To quickly and easily claim your blog, click this link http://bookblips.dailyradar.com/blog/so_many_books/

    Once you’ve claimed your blog, you and your fans can then vote on each of your posts to ensure they’re featured on BookBlip’s front page. And just so you know, every post that’s featured on our front page gets moved up in the rankings on all the big search engines, like Google, Yahoo, etc!

    If you have questions about the blog-claiming process or feedback on BookBlips.com, please contact us immediately. We’re always here to help and we’re anxious to send more fans your way.

    Kind regards,
    Marny Bassett,
    Associate Editor


  44. I love your lit blog, great site


  45. Hello Stefanie–
    I found your blog by chance and I love it! I had just published a post with “Reading Notes” in the title and checked on wordpress to see who else was posting Reading Notes today. The top entry was a post of yours, but not recent… from October 2006. What a long and luscious blogging life you’ve had. How wonderful. I’ve read back a ways through your more recent posts and know I will be back. Thanks for putting out a first class blog.
    Best regards,


  46. dani, welcome and thank you so much for you very kind words!


  47. Hi Stefanie,
    Just stumbled onto your blog and i like it..m always looking for book suggestions and there are a lot here 🙂 Btw check out http://www.bookcrossing.com. Its sort of a global library where u can share your favorite and not so favorite books with people all around the world! You can find me there too 🙂


  48. I’ve come here by way of WSJ Book Lover Cynthia Crossen’s recent referral, in which she calls you a “grizzled veteran” of blogging. I’ve already found your site interesting, and though I’m not one to comment much, did indeed weigh in on your post on the vice of reading. So that’s saying something.

    Keep up the good work. I’ll be back!


  49. Kevin McCarthy said:

    Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog. You have the gift of making it seem effortless, which I mean as a compliment.Only people with real talent can do that.


  50. Hi,
    Nice blog – I will follow this – pls visit my blog and let me know.


  51. christiphillips said:

    Hi Stefanie:

    I’ve been taking a tour of your blog with great pleasure–it’s always nice to meet another bibliophile.

    Based on your reading lists, you may enjoy reading my novels, The Rossetti Letter and The Devlin Diary.

    You can find out more about them, and about me, here: http://christi-phillips.com.

    I’m not going to request a review because it sounds like you’re inundated. If you’d like copies of the books, however, I’d be happy to send them to you. You can contact me through my web site, or at christi@christi-phillips.com.

    In exchange, I’m going to peruse the links on your amazing blogroll…




  52. Hi Stefanie,

    Your blog is amazing. You’ve been at this a while and are so well connected! Would love to know your secret.

    I started a book blog of my own recently but am really struggling to building the readship. If you have the time, could you spare any advice?



  53. Maria S. said:

    Hi Stef-

    It’s Maria from ECVHS and I just took a look at your blog. I enjoyed browsing through it. I was wondering if you’ve ever tried to get read any Salman Rushdie. I’ve tried three (Midnight’s Children, The Ground Beneath Her Feet and The Enchantress of Florence) and I had a hard time finishing each one and eventually gave up after 100 pages. Any experience?



  54. Surfed into your cool blog today. Immediately noticed the partial picture of one of Vincent Van Gogh’s works (Cherry Blossoms?) just below your header. I’m a huge Van Gogh fan and will soon be e-publishing a novel of him in modern times via Amazon Kindle and/or Smashwords. Would you be interested in reading it sometime? PC Kindle is a free download and not bad to read from …


  55. I recently stumbled upon your blog and aside from enjoying the content, I have also been utilizing your amazing Blogroll! What a fantastic resource and a fantastic blog.


  56. Hi Stephanie,

    My name is Amanda Fox. I just ran across your blog as I am doing research for my next book. I write erotica and commentary with a bit of a philosophical slant – thought you might want something a little edgier to add to your reading list. For the record, two of my favourite authors are Paulo Coelho and Colin Channer.

    Happy reading everyone! Glad to have found another great connection. If you are interested, you can find a complete list of my work on my website – http://www.foxtales.ca.


  57. I’ve just written my first novel called ‘My heart, his soul’ and I’d appreciate it if you could tell me what you think of it. It’s for sale on Amazon.com, but as you probably know, you can preview the first part of the book for free. Also, any ideas on how and where to promote my book, would be greatly appreciated.


  58. I’ve just written my first novel called ‘My heart, his soul’ and I’d appreciate it if you could tell me what you think of it. It’s for sale on Amazon.com, but as you probably know, you can preview the first part of the book for free. Also, any ideas on how and where to promote my book, would be greatly appreciated.

    The link is: http://www.amazon.com/heart-his-soul-Heart-ebook/dp/B003ZDP2JI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=A2HD1FRBBEUS3N&s=digital-text&qid=1282231581&sr=1-1


  59. Hi Stefanie,

    I hope this email finds you well! I have been following your blog for sometime now. I must say, I find your writing refreshing and informative.

    My name is Shawn Smith and I work with the Author, Mr. John E. Wade II. I am currently working on promoting his newly published book, which is a compilation of 101 insightful essays. The book is entitled, How to Achieve a Heaven on Earth. It is ambitious, as the title suggests. It is not leaning in any certain direction from a political or religious standpoint. It is written for “Anyone who cares about the state of our world”, as one reviewer said.

    The book is a wide, yet focused collection of essays from a host of notable and ordinary people with extraordinary things to say. The essayists include: Presidents Obama and Bush, Vice President Gore, Prime minister Tony Blair, and Nobel and Pulitzer prize winners.

    The focus is on the ten elements that Mr. Wade has determined, after years of global travel and contemplation, are essential in creating a heaven on earth. They are Peace, Security, Freedom, Democracies, Prosperity, Spiritual Harmony, Racial Harmony, Ecological Harmony, Health and Moral Purpose and Meaning.

    Because the chapters are separated into subject area and the essays average 1-3 pages long, the book makes for an easy read.

    I’d love to send you a copy of the book to read and then perhaps review, if you find it worth sharing. We could also set up a Q & A with the book’s editor or send you an original article by the author to post.

    In the meantime, if you are looking for more information, we would invite you to visit our website at http://www.HeavenOnEarth.org to listen to radio interviews, read previous review or view a complete list of contributors.

    Thanks so much and hope to hear from you soon!

    Shawn Smith
    My Girl Friday
    504-994-5344 mobile
    800-650-4203 fax



  60. Not sure this will go through because of the link.
    Just saw this article on Emerson’s house in the NYTimes and thought of you:


  61. I’m pleased to announce the publication of my new book, “Getting Published in International Journals: Writing Strategies for European Social Scientists” (NOVA: Oslo, 2010). Because writing in English is different from writing in any other language, the book reveals the unwritten rules of English academic rhetoric. It’s available at http://www.nova.no/reid and will soon be available on my new website (nataliereid.com) and on Amazon.

    Meanwhile, I’m about to talk about working with the voice of one’s soul (the non-academic part of my life!) at the New Mexico Women Authors’ Book Festival on October 1-3 in Santa Fe, NM. There’s something magical about being an academic in my European work life, a mystic and transformational writing teacher in my American work life, and getting to blend the two all the rest of the time. I feel very fortunate indeed.

    Does anybody else out there live the ‘mix-and-match’ life, too?


  62. You sound like a true book fiend. I look forward to reading all about the books you’ve been devouring, hopefully you’ll suggest a few book i may not have found had i not been following your blog!


  63. Hello. I am a senior and am planning to continue into the Library Science field…what tyoe of schooling have you done? I am thinking about a four year major is World Histories and a two year masters in Informationa and Library Science…does this seem like a well thought out plan? Is there anything that I should do differently?


  64. Hello Stephanie, I read what you wrote about Ralph Waldo Emerson in 2006 in his views on Women. I was confused at what you said because he actually was an advocate for women and equal rights.



    (click on “full article” for above link)


  65. Love it – thank you so much for all your links! Only getting started in changing my ‘random’ blog to a book blog, couldn’t have expected to find such a resource 🙂


  66. Hello. I just found your blog today. I’m a pretty constant reader and I look forward to read more posts here.

    I have a question for you: Do you tend to utilize the library for books or do you buy them, or both? It’s a question I often ask others readers.

    Have a good day.


    • Hi Justin! Thanks! I like to own books of course, who doesn’t? But I don’t have the space or the money to own everything I’d like to so I do use the library quite a lot. I work at a University law library and have a blanch public library just around the corner from my house so it’s easy to get books. Happy Reading!


  67. Rhea Tregebov said:

    Could you possibly remember the edition of the Montaigne essay on imagination that you mention? I realize it was years ago. I was thinking of using Montaigne for a course I’m teaching. Many thanks.


  68. fivereflections said:

    happy new year from david in maine use

    new visitor


  69. Hi Stefanie,

    My name is Megan and I am a student intern at FindTheBest. I love your blog and would like to feature you on FindTheBest’s Blog Comparison for free. Please email me at mfunk(at)findthebest(dot)com if you are interested, and I can send over the details!



  70. This is a shout out of thanks for inspiring me to read more and for being a kindred spirit….you are part of my sunshine brigade 🙂 http://madcaphat.wordpress.com/2012/04/16/bring-on-the-sunshine/


  71. Charlotte said:

    Loved your entry on Madame de Stael. Terrific blog and About ME section! Thanks.


  72. Hey, I’ve been reading your blog and I really like it! I’ve added it to the blogroll of my new blog. 🙂 Thanks for the smiles!


  73. I totally need to right down the books I’ve read and put them on my blog as well. I wonder how well it would work on blogger?


  74. This is in reply to your “About Me.” I started through all the comments and gave up! I just wanted to say that your favorite writer are mine too. I so seldom see any reference to Marge Piercy but I think her poetry has always been dead on. I would
    only add Louise Erdrich and Toni Morrison to favorites. PLUS: David Foster Wallace, whose “Infinite Jest” is a book that affected me like the hypothetical book in your Emerson quote; I was transported, transfixed, energized and lost in marvel.


  75. Gosh, I wish I was a librarian. I like your blog lay out and thoughts.


  76. Thank you for inspiring me to read more and explore more, espcially books beyound the usual…..I have nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. (http://madcaphat.wordpress.com/)


  77. I love old books I don’t know why it’s either because of their content or it’s a piece of history that the social norm try’s to wipeout,edit or ban. Either way I do collect them even though most I dont really read unless it catches me. I love poetry and the odd thing is my grandmother told me about Ralph when I was younger when I would write my poetry and philosophical rants and his birthday is a day or two off from mine. Is that weird or coincidence. I figured I’d share.


  78. Dear Stefanie, wonderful blog: interesting thoughts and a good layout!!! Thanks too for the Quote of the moment from Emerson. It caught me unprepared and made me catch my breath. It’s so true isn’t it? We keep on looking……


  79. Really enjoyed looking round your blog – I’m reaching for the follow button lol 🙂


  80. Hi Stefanie! Found your blog by way of a Montaigne quote for which I was searching.

    One of my current favourites is Bergson. He never seems to disappoint! ‘Creative Evolution’ would be my pick.

    Cheers. Keep reading!


  81. I really like your blog and wanted to share my recently published book BURNING BARRIERS by Karen Moulder. This is a story about a single mother breaking into the man’s world of firefighting. It is not only history in the making, but the struggles of daily life as a single mother. I think you would enjoy it. It is an easy read and lots of drama to keep you wanting more.


  82. Thank you for all the awesome book ideas and inspiration! http://madcaphat.wordpress.com/2013/02/15/the-one-year-old/


  83. elle grounds said:

    Hi Stefanie. I love your blog and wanted to suggest a funny, as in droll, irreverent, non-PC funny, amateur sleuth mystery for your reading pleasure. Small Town Trouble is the first in a mystery series by Jean Erhardt that features Kim Claypoole, restaurateur, reluctant heroine and amateur sleuth with moxie galore. The eBook has been #1 in the Amazon Kindle Amateur Sleuth category for 18 weeks now. The more recently released paperback version of Small Town Trouble is catching up and is in the top 5% of paperbacks on Amazon.

    In Small Town Trouble, we meet Kim Claypoole and get acquainted with her irreverent and witty ways of dealing with the peculiar characters and events that she regularly finds in her life. Claypoole’s adventures begin as she leaves her home in the Smoky Mountains to help save her kooky mother Evelyn from financial disaster. In the first scene of Small Town Trouble Claypoole says, “I’d had a feeling all along that this wasn’t going to be my day. But I hadn’t been prepared for things to go this badly…”

    Setting off to assist Evelyn (i.e., “the other Scarlett O’Hara”) with her newest personal crisis, Claypoole leaves in her wake her Gatlinburg doublewide, her restaurant, The Little Pigeon, and her restaurant partner and sometimes best friend Mad Ted Weber as well as a budding secret love affair with a Martha Stewart wannabe that’s hotter than an Eskimo in July.
    Claypoole’s savior complex leads to more trouble when she bumps into an old flame in her hometown who asks for her help clearing her hapless brother of murder charges. In true Claypoole fashion, Kim gets more than she bargained for when she gets dragged into a complicated quest to find the true killer complete with topless tavern dancers, small town cops, a stream of backwater characters-even a meeting with the Grim Reaper. Can Claypoole muddle her way through the murky depths of this bizarre murder mystery before it’s too late?
    With biting humor and wit, Small Town Trouble will leave you guessing what’s around the next corner in the quirky life of Kim Claypoole.
    A review copy of Small Town Trouble in any eBook format can be sent promptly. It is available in paperback and eBook at independent booksellers, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

    Jean Erhardt is a former private detective, and her second book in the Kim Claypoole series is due out in Spring 2014. Jean is currently is working on the fifth book in her Kim Claypoole series and is also writing the first book in a new series which is set in Portland, Oregon and features Haley Hammel, a private investigator who always seems to find more trouble than she is looking for.

    You can find out more about Jean on her website, http://www.jeanerhardt.com/ or her Facebook page,https://www.facebook.com/JeanErhardtAuthor which also has links to interviews and guest posts that Jean has done.
    Please contact Elle Grounds at Elle Grounds Literary Group (503.740.1771) or ellegrounds@gmail.com for further information.


  84. Thank You for makine me read things I would run miles away from – http://madcaphat.wordpress.com/2013/11/03/the-veil-and-the-view/


  85. Sarah Sauquet said:

    Hi Stefanie,

    thanks for your blog that I enjoy to follow.
    My name is Sarah and I am French. Interested in digital humanities, I have created an iPhone literary app for English and American literature: a text a day.
    With a text a day, you have an excerpt from a major writer and its context every day. You can also test your cultural knowledge or search into our database. You can download the app with the following link: http://bit.ly/1hH6D31

    I would be delighted to present you my project and my vision of English-speaking literature.

    Best regards,

    Sarah Sauquet
    App “A text A day”
    Twitter : @atext_aday


  86. Hi Stefanie,
    I love literature and I love your blog. I would like to suggest the following clip of Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s Crossing the Bar.
    Hope you and your readers enjoy this.
    Best Regards
    Gianluca 🙂

    and the free downloadable song here:


  87. Hello! I love your blog and hope to have a chance to really dig in and read your past posts. Also, I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award on my blog. Congratulations! Here are the details:


  88. R J Madigan said:

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  89. Excellent blog and resource area. I could lose hours, days or probably months within here and its links. Thank you!


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    Express With Nejae !
    Thanks a Bunch!


  91. I like your ‘About’ I too read often and generally have a pen in hand to write on the pages. I’m trying to give the Kindle a chance. Something about seeing that I’m 53% isn’t capturing my imagination the same as viewing a damn page number and knowing I’ve got another one hundred and fifty to go. Anyways, Cheers from the East Coast. I’ve been to the twin cities and enjoyed the area and people. If you have a moment stop by my M. Taggart page, not my About, and see what’s to see.


  92. Gitanadeneff said:

    Really looking to get my blog off the ground but never thought about what the heck to write about! I am an avid reader like yourself and my library is literally bursting at the seams. I have a bit of a disease where I buy 10 books every time I enter a book store but don’t actually make the time to read them all. You’ve given me such an inspiration today. Thank you. I look forward to reading more posts from you.


  93. I love literary blogs. I liked your blog. Pl spare time to visit here


  94. Hullo Stefanie! I’ve been cheeky and tagged you in a TBR meme. Qs are here: https://ellethinks.wordpress.com/2015/11/13/of-mount-tbr/

    Feel free not to play, but I’d love to hear your answers 🙂


  95. Hi, Stef, I read your article about never enough time to read books, I can relate to that.


  96. Hi Stefanie,

    I’ve been nominated to partake in the quote challenge. Part of the challenge is to nominate others, and I’d like to nominate you. If you’re interested, please check it out 🙂

    Best of Luck,


  97. I enjoy reading your blog and have nominated you for the Versatile Blog award! Thanks for the inspiration!



  98. Lord Hilton said:

    Mr. Dirda’s review of the book in the Washington Post made me chuckle : He states that the author’s profession has always embodied insincerity. ( Guffaws ! )



  99. thank you for having this wonderful blog where reading is celebrated to such an extent! absolutely love it!


  100. I am so glad I found your blog. When I win the lottery I am going to open a bookstore 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  101. Charles Garriott said:

    Perhaps you would consider reviewing the following title?

    Glad to send PDF


    Thanks. C


  102. Hello Stefanie

    My name is Mark I wish to inquire if you would please consider reviewing my latest poetry book “Back on Earth” I do believe you might like my book it would appeal to all ages; I will leave its Amazon link so you can decide & will send you a pdf copy if you like 🙂

    All the best…



  103. Hello my name is Thomas McRae and I love to mail you a copy of my short fiction novel called Pimp in the pulpit. It’s inspired by my family trails and tribulations but not all facts, my book is filled with drama, comedy and suspense. I guarantee you will enjoy this book and relate to it on some personal level and that is why I like to get a review from you. Pimp in the pulpit will make you laugh, cry and appreciate your own life. You can check current reviews at Amazon.com and Goodreads.com and Nikki McNamara book blog and glamadelaide.com.au owner Rod Lewis and see my interviews with Debdatta Dasgup book blog and Fiona Mcvie at authors interviews.WordPress.com and A.F Stewart owner of are you afraid of the dark blog and Eclectic Moods Blog plus Just Books Blog owner Rainne. Or listen to my online radio interviews at Artists first network radio with Tony Kay and Talk network radio with Jeff Heiser and Steve Coplon right thinking Foundation also affiliated with Talk network radio. Or go to rockawave.com enter my name Thomas McRae and see the articles about me by The Wave paper located at Far Rockaway Queens NY email me anytime thank you and GOD bless. Oh P.S check out my review plus interview with Thunder Horse Publishing courtesy of Joseph Clayton.


  104. Stefanie,
    Would you be interested in reviewing my dog rescue memoir entitled Lance: A Spirit Unbroken? At http://www.lanceaspiritunbroken.com you can get a feel for the story and my writing.
    Thank you.
    Walter Stoffel


  105. René Harde said:

    I happened upon your blog through your review of the “the black spiders” by Gotthelf. I had originally listened to it in German audiobook format, as I have been trying to improve my German (my father is an immigrant) – cool to find a fellow cyclist with literary interests!


  106. René Harde said:

    I happened upon your blog through your review of the “the black spiders” by Gotthelf. I had originally listened to it in German audiobook format, as I have been trying to improve my German (my father is an immigrant) – cool to find a fellow cyclist with literary interests!


  107. René Harde said:

    I happened upon your blog through your review of the “the black spiders” by Gotthelf. I had originally listened to it in German audiobook format, as I have been trying to improve my German (my father is an immigrant) – cool to find a fellow cyclist with literary interests!


    • What a great idea to listen to the story in German to help improve your language skills! It’s a hard thing to balance time reading and time cycling! Thanks for stopping by!


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